Thursday 20 March 2014


Hello everybody! Now that we have finally finished all the things of this long week I am going to evaluate us. First of all, I have to say that I have seen how this group has improved bit by bit, and it's a pity that this finishes when we have learnt how to work; but, otherwise, to continue doing what we already know won't give us many things.

1. What was the best part of the activity?
For me, the best part of this activity has been to listen and to read things about "the dark side of textbooks" because, on the one hand, it is always interesting hearing different opinions and perspectives of something, in this case, of how usefull textbook can be; on the other hand, I think that it is a topic really close to us because we are going to be teachers in a future and we will need to have our own opinion about it, for using or not them.

2. What was the worse?
The worst part of the activity, although it was not that bad, was to have good and original ideas for putting in just 30 seconds of advertisement as much negative aspects of textbooks as possible. It was complicated because you can't be sure if you are conveying well the message.

3. What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)?
Without a doubt, the funniest moment was when we were recordering our advertisements. We enjoy spending time together and it is great because in the meantime we have new ideas for improving the result of our project. 

4. What was the worse?
The worst part all the weeks, in my opinion, is when we have to stay at the univerity until too late, because we feel tired and our headaches don't allow us to think clearly; we start to lose too much time.

5. What have you learnt?
We have learnt many things about "the dark side of textbooks". Firstly, we have banished the idea that textbooks are compulsory for carrying out the curriculum; they do follow it, but... Are they the best way of teaching? No, they aren't. Secondly, we have also explored how, nearly always, textbooks are just a business of editorials. Finally, we have internalized that textbooks are heavy and expensive, and they limite our knowledge; besides, they avoid learning by dicoverying and sometimes teachers are more worried for teaching all in time than for their students learn.

6. What do you need to conserve - as a group - for the next weeks?
We should mantein the members' responsability. People in this group usually do what she is ordered to before the deadline.

7. What do you need to improve - as a group - for the next weeks?
We ought to investigate more on the web because there is lot of interesting information that we are losing.

8. How this content is related to other contents in the course and in your degree?
It could be one of the topics which are more related to our degree. Since the change of the law and the "boom" of editorials, they have been an indispensable tool for teachers. But how we have seen, they have a dark side: they are making richer editoriarls and sillier kids. And about how is this content related to others, in our English textbook it appeared a text about a school in which children didn't use textbooks; they went out everyday, it doesn't matter if the sun is shining or if it is raining cats and dogs, to explore the world and discovered things by themselves.

9. There is any evident social conection of this content (news, politics...)?
Of course they are. Education is becoming a bussines too again, as textbooks are. In public schools, theoretically, each teacher can choose the way he or she is going to teach as long as it respects the curriculum, but in private schools and, even worse, charter schools, make money with the editorials.

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